Series of unfortunate events

25 04 2010

This period hasn’t been great.. Rather unlucky I must say.. I twisted my ankle while walking down the stairs.. What was worse was that I had a damn bad diarrhea before the skit.. On the way to church, a cement mixer collided to the back of my car.. Glad it was a minor one that can be solved with a paint job.. I should be quite glad that it was not a full collision, I seriously doubt I would be here blogging now.. Good thing I could reach church and finish the skit without much hitch (thou I was as pale as ghost)..

I was picking up Dar Dar for church and I have no idea what happen, I kicked against the cupboard.. After cursing out loud, I realised that my toe was bleeding.. After a close examination, I realised that half my nail was out.. And I yank it out.. OUCH~!! I was in so much trauma that I forgotten to take pictures.. All I have is the “not so disgusting” picture..

Just hoping that my trail of bad luck will end.. Praying that all will be good from now on..



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